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About Us

"Memories belong on display, not just on a screen..."

After meeting unexpectedly during a photoshoot for an Exeter radio station, we have been taking photos together ever since!

Our photographic styles are quite different - Will loves Landscape Photography, Portrait Photography, Outdoor Photography Workshops and Photo Restoration, while Laura prefers getting up close and personal with nature.
So we cover a few bases between us! 

The River Dart flowing through trees in the autumn

Our Story

At Thorn Valley Studios we offer a range of photography services and products to help you bring those special moments to life. We are passionate about helping people create meaningful moments and capture the beauty of life in all its' forms.


Having a baby in the midst of the pandemic has been a unique experience to say the least. It has however, allowed us to reassess our daily lives and recognise the need to make the most of every moment.

Our goal is to capture the moments that shape your life and preserve them in a way that will bring you joy whenever you look back on them.

Whether it’s a wedding, a birthday, or a sweet memory with your family, we strive to capture the essence of the event and create a record that you’ll cherish for years to come.

We believe that every moment has a story to tell, and as professional photographers, let us help you tell yours.

Meet The Team

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